Christmas is time of magical expectations. I’m like a little kid this time of year. I’d have a tree up all year long, but my wife assures me that would end badly. As an adult, It’s a time for family to come together and celebrate the things that make Christmas special. As a really large kid, I expect fun and play and lots of great food and toys and a great, big party…for everyone
It could be the perfect setting for a family get together.
It could be religious.
It could be the general sense of merry-making that pervades.
It could be the various traditions each family celebrates.
Most of my family’s events it’s a combination of all these things with a healthy dose of the absurd. We do absurd well.
However you celebrate, All of us at Coletta Cutler Realty wish you a child-like joy and every blessing this Christmas Season. Have fun and enjoy each other.
Lew McConkey, Realtor
Coletta Cutler Realty