Whitman Area Toy Drive Box is Up at Coletta Cutler Realty! Please Help!

It’s that time of year! The office is decorated and lit up like a…well…Christmas Tree. Christmas music is on. The Whitman Area Toy Drive kicked off with a huge community event sorting toys for families in need in Whitman, Hanson, Rockland, Abington, Halifax, East Bridgewater and more. No child, anywhere, should be left without at Christmas. That’s the mantra of the founders of the Toy Drive, who continue to run it after years of successful service and why we’re so proud to support their efforts.

The toy box is up, just inside our front door. Please drop a new, unwrapped toy off and be personally responsible for making Christmas for some innocent child full of wonder, fun and joy! It takes so little to do so much. Please help us out.

Lew McConkey, Realtor
Coletta Cutler Realty