Happy & Meaningful Memorial Day

Happy & Meaningful Memorial Day

My sister sent me this picture after my dad died. I put it up on my computer as a background around his and my mom’s birthday and the anniversary of their passing every year. The thought of him, my mom and so many others living the high life in Heaven gives me so much peace and happiness. I can feel them checking in on me now and again. It almost makes up for how much I miss them all. 

I hope this Memorial Day is a special event for you, celebrating the lives of those who’ve passed on to something far better. My grandfather used to say, “They wouldn’t come back, if they could.” I think about how I’d like to see my loved ones from the perspective of the afterlife. You know, me… sitting on a cloud, flapping my wings in the sun and sipping Pina Coladas. I’d want a big party that I could enjoy with my friends and family that remain here too, a happy event where the living remember the fond times and laughter we had together. I do realize they’d have to put a bit of a spin on some of the memories, but I’m OK with that. 🙂 

Have a wonderful, fun and meaningful Memorial Day for yourself, your family and friends and for the ones we remember so fondly.

Here’s to Absent Friends!!!

Lew McConkey, 

Brook Realty, Serving Whitman Hanson & Surrounding Towns


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