Happy Independence Day!

Happy Independence Day

A very good friend of mine, on the opposite side of the political spectrum, sent me the attached picture which I absolutely roared laughing at when I saw it. I love the story of our Revolution. Talk about underdogs that just wouldn’t go down. There are so many really great stories throughout the era which the United States was struggling to be born into and was then forced to grow up so quickly. 

This picture is funny, but like all good jokes there’s bits of truth in there. The crossing of the Delaware(at McConkey’s Ferry…No Less   ) did happen in the early night of Christmas Day. There was a blinding snowstorm. Washington and the Continental Army were marching to Trenton, desperately in need of a victory after a number of embarrassing and very public losses. Still in the dark of Christmas Morning, our guys hit the feared Hessian Troops in Trenton and in spite of the odds, won the battle convincingly. I could go on, but that alone is a pretty good story, right? 

Like any person, family, organization or country, we have our blemishes, our disgraces, our divisions. We also have our amazing successes, our ability to eventually realize our mistakes and struggle to try to make them right and then continue our long, slow evolution. Every day for the past 248 years, we debate and fight over our direction, political issues and philosophy. All that is sometimes scary, but still a beautiful thing. The founders fought every bit as much as we do. Read about it. Aaron Burr shot and killed Alexander Hamilton. If Benedict Arnold quit fighting after being wounded at Saratoga, he would have been celebrated as the greatest general of the Revolution. They all disagreed vehemently, sometimes over similar issues to what we face today and yet, here we are, still going strong nearly a quarter of a millennium later. 

Democrat, Republican, Independent, Socialist, whatever! Everyone, I wish you all a very Happy Independence Day. I may not agree with what you say, but I’ll fight for your right to say it. Warning: I may be debating you about it while I do though. 

Have Fun! 

Lew McConkey, 
Brook Realty, Serving Whitman Hanson& Surrounding Towns

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