The National Assoc. of Realtors(NAR) put out a great guide buyer’s should use to vett potential agents prior to signing any contracts. I’ve said for years that buyers should interview a number of agents to find the best fit for them and their situation. Same with mortgage brokers. Naturally, I think I’m the best buyer’s agent. If you ask 9 other agents, they’ll think they’re the best. I am the best….but maybe not for you. For instance, my preferred strategy for showing houses is to hunt for houses which probably meet the basic criteria my clients tell me they’re after. That way potential diamonds in the rough get caught in our search. When we visit the home in person, I point up how the place meets their needs, then look for every potential issue I can find, point up the evidence for it and possible ramifications. When a buyer tells me, “Yeah, yeah. I get that, but I want it anyway.” That’s when I know we’ve found the right place. A big priority for me is to help my clients avoid impulse purchasing when they walk into a beautifully staged house. Maybe, you want someone who does things differently. Each of us brings their own philosophy and experiences with them into the relationship. How does that experience and philosophy fit into your goals? A brief interview can tell you that. It’s your duty to yourself to find out which agent fits you best. It’ll make your search much more enjoyable and productive.
The link to the article is here: https://www.nar.realtor/the-facts/consumer-guide-ten-questions-to-ask-a-buyers-agent?
The 10 questions are:
1. Are you a Realtor? This is important because Realtors take an oath to follow the Ethical guidelines set by NAR( Link to NAR Code of Ethics: https://www.nar.realtor/about-nar/governing-documents/the-code-of-ethics ) It’s a publicly available document. We also subject ourselves to oversight by the association. It’s all in there.
2. What Types of Services can you provide for me?
3. How well do you know the markets where I’m searching for a home?
4. Do you have experience working with buyers in my situation?
5. Can you tell me about your approach to scouting properties?
6. What will be included in our written buyer’s agreement?
7. How long will we work together?
8. What are my options for paying you?
9. Can you recommend service providers who can help me obtain a mortgage, make home repairs, or support closing tasks?
10. Do you have references I can speak with?
If I answered all those questions here, the post would be too big to be a post. 🙂 I, like most Realtors, don’t charge for consults. If you want to sit down and go over these and other questions, feel free to call, text or email me for a free, no obligation sit down.
Have Fun!
Lew McConkey, Brook Realty, Serving Whitman Hanson & Surrounding Towns
If you have questions about your place in the current Real Estate market, as a buyer, seller or Landlord, Please feel free to call text or email for your free, no obligation consultation.