Special Needs Baseball is Back for 2025
As many of you know, I have an adult autistic son. If you have a special needs loved one, you know finding fun & supportive athletic activities for them is a real challenge.

For about 15 years or so, I’ve coached with some great people at the Challenger League. They play at Hollingsworth Field in Braintree on Sundays in the Spring from 1 PM to usually about 2:30 PM. It’s baseball designed specifically for special needs kids & adults. Typically, they get free professional baseball team uniforms & registration is free. The costs are usually picked by the Teamsters local(see pics), which also picks up team pictures, a cookout & other fun activities at gametime through the season.

By the way, I’m not a specially trained, special needs service provider. I’m just a Realtor & Ryan’s dad. You don’t need any special training to coach. You’re not alone either. Each team has a team of coaches who work together every Sunday there’s a game. The league is also looking for volunteer helpers. Anyone you know need service hours for their HS, Boy Scouts, etc.?

If you’d like more information about having your special needs loved one play &/or you’d like to coach or volunteer, please contact Anita at vellaanita@gmail.com or call her at 781-248-3384. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns too. Anita knows all though. 🙂
Have Fun!
Lew McConkey,
Brook Realty, Serving Whitman Hanson & Surrounding Towns
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